Rajasthan achieves 100% rural tap water.

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23 Jul 24
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Rajasthan achieves 100% rural tap water.
**Chief Minister Mr. Bhajanlal Sharma's Vision: Rajasthan Government Providing Clean Drinking Water to Rural Families via Tap**
**Mandal Becomes the First Block in the State to Achieve 100% Household Tap Connections under Jal Jeevan Mission**
**29,524 Homes Receive Clean Drinking Water via Tap Connections**
~ District Public Relations Officer, Hemant Chhipa
Bhilwara,  In line with the vision of Chief Minister Mr. Bhajanlal Sharma, the Rajasthan government is committed to ensuring the supply of adequate, quality-assured, and long-term safe drinking water to all rural families in the state through tap connections.
Achieving this goal, under the strong will and guidance of District Collector Namit Mehta, Bhilwara district has attained a unique milestone in the Jal Jeevan Mission. The Mandal block in the district has become the first block in the state where 100% of households have access to clean drinking water through tap connections under the Jal Jeevan Mission.
**Significant Achievement of 100% Coverage in Mandal Block**
District Collector Namit Mehta stated that Bhilwara district is progressing rapidly in implementing the Jal Jeevan Mission as per the vision of Chief Minister Mr. Bhajanlal Sharma. Under the Jal Jeevan Mission - Har Ghar Jal scheme, Mandal block in the district has become the first block in the state where 100% of households are receiving clean drinking water through tap connections. Mandal block has achieved full saturation with 100% household tap connections, which is a historic achievement. Mehta mentioned that all 29,524 houses in Mandal block now have active household water connections providing drinking water.
**Campaign Execution**
Executive Engineer Project Division Mandal Siddharth Tak reported that the approval for the Jal Jeevan Mission in Bhilwara district was granted in March 2021. To provide tap connections to every house under the Jal Jeevan Mission in Mandal block, an administrative approval of Rs. 260 crores was issued by the Finance Department on February 11, 2021, and a technical approval of Rs. 158.22 crores was issued on July 16, 2021. Additionally, the work order was issued by the Additional Chief Engineer (Project) Division Ajmer on December 21, 2021. This package included the construction of a total of 345 kilometers of pipeline, 3 pump houses (Bhadu, Bhagwanpura, Bagaur), and 24 high reservoirs for Mandal block.
He added that by July 12 this year, the availability of pure drinking water through 100% active household tap connections under the Jal Jeevan Mission - Har Ghar Jal scheme has been ensured for a total of 29,524 homes in Mandal block, catering to an estimated population of 147,328. Out of these, 16,315 active household tap connections were executed by Project Division Mandal and 13,209 FHTCs by the regular Public Health Engineering Department Circle Bhilwara. Mandal block has been marked 100% complete on the Jal Jeevan Mission's online site (IMIS).
**Superintending Engineer Project Circle II Rajiv Sugotra explained that District Collector Namit Mehta consistently monitored the progress of the Har Ghar Jal campaign by conducting regular meetings of the District Water and Sanitation Committee and the Jal Jeevan Mission. Field visits were conducted to expedite the water connection works and maintain water quality, resulting in the timely achievement of this target by the PHED team. According to the state government's intent, departmental engineers developed cost-effective technical plans, ensured effective monitoring, and executed quality construction works within the stipulated timeframe to provide adequate clean drinking water to all residents of Mandal block.
**Gratitude from Villagers**
Lirdia village Sarpanch Devi Lal Jat expressed gratitude, stating that before having household water connections, all villagers used to fetch water from public stand posts or wells. Now, they are benefiting from clean drinking water through domestic tap connections installed in their homes.
Local resident Pooja Bhambi mentioned that earlier, village women had to carry water from far distances. However, receiving domestic tap connections under the Jal Jeevan Mission has provided them with complete relief. They are very happy and satisfied with the government's Jal Jeevan Mission scheme.
**About Jal Jeevan Mission**
On August 15, 2019, India's Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi announced the 'Jal Jeevan Mission' (JJM) from the Red Fort, aimed at providing every rural household with regular drinking water supply through domestic tap connections. The mission aims to provide 55 liters of water per person per day to every rural family through 'Functional Household Tap Connections' (FHTC), ensuring clean drinking water in every home.
Jal Jeevan Mission not only ensures water availability but also guarantees the supply of quality water every time. The mission impacts society in multiple ways. Regular tap water supply relieves women and young girls from the laborious task of carrying large quantities of water for daily household needs. Additionally, women can use the time saved from water collection for income-generating activities, learning new skills, and assisting in their children's education.

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