*Kota, In a dramatic incident near the Collectorate Square in Kota, a massive, decades-old neem tree fell near Hotel Navrang, crushing an auto-rickshaw beneath it. The accident, which occurred in the Collectorate complex area, left the auto driver trapped under the heavy branches.
Upon receiving the news, Sub-Inspector Pawan Kumar, in charge of the Collectorate Police Outpost, rushed to the scene. With the help of local citizens, he managed to rescue the driver, who was miraculously pulled out alive despite the severe damage to the auto. The vehicle was completely destroyed, and a nearby parked car also sustained some damage.
Heavy rains since the morning had disrupted normal life in Kota, causing the tree to uproot and fall on the auto-rickshaw. The swift response of Sub-Inspector Pawan Kumar, who, with the assistance of local residents, managed to extract the trapped driver and rush him to the hospital, was widely praised.
Due to the continuous rainfall, waterlogging has occurred in several colonies, prompting the rescue teams to remain on high alert. Meanwhile, the gates of the Kota Barrage Dam have been opened due to the inflow of water from heavy rains in the upper regions of Madhya Pradesh, keeping the administration on full alert.