Successful Bronchoscopy of a Patient at PIMS Hospital, Udaipur

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15 Oct 24
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Successful Bronchoscopy of a Patient at PIMS Hospital, Udaipur

Udaipur – A successful bronchoscopy was performed on a patient at Pacific Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS Hospital), Umarda. Chairman Ashish Agarwal reported that a patient was admitted to the hospital due to a one-month history of coughing with blood in the sputum, presenting with a moderate volume of 200 ml per day.

A high-resolution CT (HRCT) of the thorax indicated consolidation and cystic bronchiectasis in the right upper lobe. As the patient was unable to produce sputum, a bronchoscopy was necessary. During the procedure, the posterior segment of the right upper lobe was found to be obstructed by blood clots that could not be removed by saline infusion and suction. Consequently, advanced bronchoscopy techniques were employed, using an endo-knife for electro-cautery, which facilitated the separation of the clots from the bronchial wall. A balloon was then used to remove the approximately 6 cm clot in an en-bloc manner.

This unique and advanced procedure was carried out by the pulmonary team at PIMS Udaipur, including Dr. Sanidhya Tank (AP), Dr. Karanraj Singhal (AP), Dr. Dikshant Chaudhary (AP), Dr. Gurmehar Singh Thethi (PG JR-2), and Dr. Arpit Johar (PG JR-2).

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