Seminar on Meditation for a Stress-Free Exam Environment

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29 Jan 25
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Seminar on Meditation for a Stress-Free Exam Environment

Udaipur: A seminar on the importance of meditation and creating a stress-free exam environment was organized at Venkateshwar Institute of Pharmacy, Sai Tirupati University. The keynote speaker, GM Rajyogini Brahma Kumari Reema Didi, emphasized that meditation brings mental peace, energy, and positivity. It helps students improve concentration, enhance memory, and boost self-confidence.

College Principal Dr. Khemchand Gupta stressed the need to remain stress-free during exams, as stress negatively impacts mental health. He highlighted the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, taking proper rest, and practicing meditation to overcome stress. A large number of students attended the event.

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