Who Will Win the Kota Lok Sabha Seat?

( 1983 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 22 Apr, 24 17:04

Indications from the Falodi Satta Bazaar for Birla and Gunjal*

Who Will Win the Kota Lok Sabha Seat?

Kota, April: The political battleground for the Kota-Bundi Lok Sabha seat is heating up as it witnesses a direct contest between the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Congress.

The Kota Lok Sabha seat is witnessing intense speculation in the satta bazaar (betting market). The satta bazaar involves placing bets on the victory and defeat of candidates during the Lok Sabha elections. It has been observed that the satta bazaar often provides signals regarding the success or failure of candidates. The Kota Lok Sabha seat, situated in Rajasthan, is also experiencing heightened activity in the satta bazaar due to the head-to-head competition between the BJP and the Congress.

On the Kota-Bundi Lok Sabha seat, BJP's Om Birla and Congress's Prahlad Gunjal are in the electoral arena. Since Prahlad Gunjal has recently switched from BJP to Congress and received the ticket from Kota constituency, the electoral battle on the Kota seat has become intriguing. Additionally, the satta bazaar is closely monitoring the competition between the two.

According to sources, the betting rate for BJP candidate Om Birla is 70 paise, while Prahlad Gunjal stands at 75 paise. This indicates a close contest between the two candidates. 

Thus, the satta bazaar suggests a fierce competition between Om Birla and Prahlad Gunjal for the Kota-Bundi seat. Om Birla holds a slight edge, but Prahlad Gunjal is not far behind. It is difficult to predict the winner at this point.

**Challenges Faced by Om Birla**

Political analysts believe that Om Birla does not seem to have any solution to stop the opposition wave. Local people are also accusing Om Birla of not fulfilling promises. He is also being cornered on the issue of Kota Airport, for which he has been making promises for a long time.

However, Om Birla is considered to be in a strong position because Kota is considered an RSS stronghold. Moreover, issues like the Ram Temple and the name of PM Modi can bring advantage to Birla, and he might benefit from them.

For Prahlad Gunjal, the Sachin Pilot factor is also significant. If the Sachin Pilot factor works, Prahlad Gunjal could benefit more.

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