The latest offering from Pramod Kumar and Amber Movies, the Bhojpuri film 'Bahu Mange Insaaf', has been approved by the Central Board of Film Certification (Mumbai) with a U/A certificate without any cuts. The film is set to hit theaters soon.
Directed by Kumar Vikal, who has been active in the film industry as a writer, director, and journalist since the 1980s, the movie stars Avadh Singh, Vaishali Sharma, Shivani, Randhir Chandravanshi, Santosh Sahani, Ramesh Dubey, Sachit, Vikram, Gharavan Bihari, Subhash Kumar, Rahul Pandey, Devendra Kumar, Kiran Sah, Seema Sargam, Mona, Gudiya, Jitendra Singh, and Monu Dildar.
'Bahu Mange Insaaf' raises a strong voice for women's empowerment. The film is produced by Ajay Kant, co-produced by Seema Kumari, Gayatri Chandravanshi, and Ramesh Dubey, with promotions handled by Samarjeet. The music is composed by Aman Shlok, with lyrics by Pyarelal Yadav and Santoshpuri. Manish Muskaan serves as the DOP, and Nakul K. Prasad is the editor.
Reported by: Kali Das Pandey