Kota: In a significant operation, Rural SP Karan Sharma of Kota announced the recovery of 198 lost and stolen mobile handsets, valued at over Rs. 37.62 lakhs. The operation was part of an ongoing campaign to apprehend cyber criminals and recover lost/stolen mobile phones in the Kota rural district.
SP Sharma revealed that from 2023 to August 2024, the Kota Rural Police successfully located and retrieved these mobile handsets. From July 10 to July 31, 2024, a special operation named "Operation Antivirus and Cyber Strike" was conducted. Under the supervision of Additional SP Ravindra Singh and the direction of various circle officers, different teams were formed at each police station to maximize the effectiveness of the campaign. Instructions were also given to the district's cyber cell to monitor cyber activities and assist in locating lost/stolen mobiles.
The coordinated efforts of all teams in the district resulted in the successful recovery of 198 mobile handsets. These recovered devices, valued at approximately Rs. 37.62 lakhs, were subsequently returned to their rightful owners.
Key contributors to the success of this operation included ASI Bhupendra Singh and constables Narendra Singh, Lakhan Singh, Ranveer Singh, Mor Mukut Singh, Gautam Pankaj, Ravikant, and Narendra Chaudhary, who were part of the cyber cell.
This operation highlights the diligent efforts of the Kota Rural Police in combating cybercrime and ensuring the return of lost and stolen property to the citizens.