Partial Knee Replacement: Better Option

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02 Apr 24
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Partial Knee Replacement: Better Option

At Geetanjali Medical College and Hospital in Udaipur, patients are treated with a multidisciplinary approach. Recently, a 47-year-old female patient from Abu, a beneficiary of the R.G.H.S scheme, was successfully provided with a healthy life. The successful treatment was carried out by a team comprising Dr. Ramavatar Saini, an orthopedic surgeon specializing in joint replacement, along with Dr. Bhagwant Goyal and Dr. Sunil Virwani from the anesthesia department, and OT staff, ICU staff, among others.

Dr. Ramavatar Saini explained that approximately 80% of the knee structure remains intact in partial knee replacement. Patients up to the age of 50-60 are typically advised for this procedure. Total knee replacement remains effective for about 20-25 years, so partial knee replacement is recommended for younger patients, allowing for the possibility of total knee replacement in the future if necessary. It's important to note that approximately 60% of patients who undergo knee replacement actually require only resurfacing or partial replacement.

The patient from Abu underwent the operation nearly two months ago and reports being in good health, carrying out daily activities without any issues, and experiencing no discomfort in either knee. She engages in daily walks of 5 kilometers and rides a bicycle.

One of the significant benefits of this surgery is its minimally invasive nature, with the entire procedure being completed through a 2-3 inch incision, resulting in quicker recovery for the patient. Surgery is performed on the same day for the patient.

Such operations are usually performed at quaternary care centers. These types of operations are being carried out at Geetanjali Hospital in Rajasthan or are available in Jaipur.

The orthopedic department at Geetanjali Hospital offers advanced techniques and resources, ensuring continuous resolution of complex problems.

Geetanjali Hospital has been consistently providing excellent and world-class medical facilities for the past 17 years and has been providing health services to those in need.

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