Dada Saheb Phalke Awards 2024: Honoring Kali Das Pandey

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05 May 24
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Dada Saheb Phalke Awards 2024: Honoring Kali Das Pandey

On May 4th, the 5th season of the prestigious Dada Saheb Phalke Awards 2024 was organized by the Krishna Chauhan Foundation, founded by Dr. Krishna Chauhan, at Mayor's Hall in Andheri West, Mumbai. The event saw the presence of renowned Bollywood actor, producer, and director Dheeraj Kumar, along with music composer Dilip Sen. Notable attendees also included film producer/director S.C. Bokadiya, Mumbai Police Commissioner Sanjay Patil, singer Ritu Pathak, comedian Sunil Pal, and makeup artist Deepak Sawant, who graced the occasion.

During the event, senior film journalist and advocate Kali Das Pandey was honored with an award for his significant contributions to the film industry. The recognition was presented in the presence of these distinguished personalities, acknowledging Pandey's valuable contributions to the world of cinema.



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