### Adopt the Triveni of Knowledge, Karma, and Devotion in Life - Varun Prabhu

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07 Jul 24
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Jagannath Rath Yatra Organized by ISKCON Center*

### Adopt the Triveni of Knowledge, Karma, and Devotion in Life - Varun Prabhu

Banswara, On the occasion of the Jagannath Rath Yatra festival, the ISKCON center at Subhash Nagar Professor Colony in Banswara organized a yatra ritual today, Sunday, covering various neighborhoods of the city. 

During the event, the idols of Lord Krishna, Lord Balaram, and Goddess Subhadra were adorned with exquisite sandalwood decorations and divine perfumes. The idols of Lord Hari were anointed with special sandalwood paste. From the early morning, Krishna bhajans and kirtans were performed, promoting the spread of Sanatan culture and religious scriptures in various colonies of the city. Special distributions of Krishna literature, including the Gita and Bhagavata Purana, were carried out during Krishna Satsang.

**Interpretation of Vedas, Upanishads, and Ancient Scriptures**

Addressing the Jagannath Rath Yatra ritual, Varun Prabhu of ISKCON cited several references and stories from the Vedas, Upanishads, and ancient religious scriptures.

**God's Word is the Gita, Devotee's is the Ramayana**

He explained that education can be imparted in two ways: by telling and by doing. In the Gita, teachings are given by telling, while in the Ramayana, teachings are imparted by doing.

The human body is a rare gift from God, even for the deities. God has shown great mercy by granting us birth at this time. After wandering through 8.4 million species, God mercifully gives human form to the soul.

*दुर्लभं त्रयमेवैतद्देवानुग्रहहेतुकम्*
*मनुष्यत्वं मुमुक्षुत्वं* *महापुरुषसंश्रयः* ||

Humanity, desire for liberation, and association with great souls are all rare and granted by God's grace.

Citing, "हेतु रहित जग जुग उपकारी | तुम्ह तुम्हार सेवक असुरारी ||" he explained that only devotees and God selflessly benefit all creatures.

**Mother gives sweets to all children but slaps only her own child**

Every situation is a result of God's mercy. Just as a mother gives sweets to all children but slaps her own child out of love, every moment we should remember and seek the grace of Lord Hari through constant recitation and association. Even in adverse conditions, we should see God's mercy.

**Old sins are destroyed in sorrow**

In times of sorrow or adversity, old sins are destroyed, and new virtues develop. We should always focus on God's grace and not dwell on happiness or sorrow. With attachment to God, salvation and liberation are assured.

Mother Kunti prayed for adversity, so one should focus on the giver, not the situation.

**God dwells in every living being**

Worldly separation is eternal, and union with God is also eternal. The omnipotent God can never be separated from the soul.

**Vasudeva Sarvam is the highest knowledge**

**God is omnipresent**

**Bind yourself in the bondage of God**

Explaining the concept of "Vasudeva Sarvam" from the Gita, he emphasized that Lord Krishna is omnipresent. Being bound to God leads to liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

**Those who give happiness to others are always happy**

Those who seek happiness from the world cannot escape sorrow. However, those who give happiness to others and serve them are untouched by sorrow. God takes away their suffering.

**Emphasis on embracing the yoga of knowledge, karma, and devotion**

Varun Prabhu stressed the importance of embracing the yoga of knowledge, karma, and devotion for achieving life's goals.

**Religious rituals, Aarti, Krishna Naam Sankirtan, and Divine Dances Filled with Devotion**

On this occasion, various neighborhoods saw the organization of religious rituals, aarti, Krishna naam sankirtan, and divine dances filled with devotion.

Participants included Varun Prabhu, Nimish, Puneet, Kushal, Jayendra, Manav, Ajay, Sunil, Dimple, Chandrakanta Mataji, Meena, Rachna Vyas, Archana, Kripali, Daksha, Himani, Shabuni, Ratan Mataji, and many other devotees.

In the yatra ceremony, participants were honored with Krishna Bhavna Bhavit Uparna, garlands, and commendations.

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