Under the banner of Krishna Chauhan Foundation (KCF), Dr. Krishna Chauhan is set to organize the Bollywood Legend Film Festival 2024 on August 15 at the Indian Motion Picture Producers Association Auditorium in Andheri (West), Mumbai. The festival will feature the screening of Hindi films, short films, commercials, albums, and web series, with the best projects being awarded.
The event will honor excellence across various categories, including Best Feature Film, Best Short Film, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Screenwriter, Best Animated Feature Film, Best Cinematographer, Best Fashion Designer, Best Director, Best Film Editor, Best Makeup Artist, Best Production Designer, Best Background Score, Best Song, Best Special Effects, Best Producer, Best Singer, Best Female Singer, Best Music Composer, Best Lyricist, Best Dialogue Writer, Best Documentary Film, Best Web Film, and Best Music Video.
Dr. Krishna Chauhan, originally from Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, has been active in Bollywood for over 20 years and has garnered attention for this upcoming event. He began his film journey as an assistant director and has since created numerous ad films and music videos. Dr. Krishna Chauhan is not only a successful film director and prominent social worker but is also widely recognized for his high-profile awards functions.